PSNA Newsletter No 150 - August 21 2024

21 Here-turi-kōkā 2024

21 August 2024

Newsletter No 150

Kia ora koutou,

This is a milestone newsletter and we’d like all supporters to focus on three action points:

 1.       Write a letter to parliament and send it to us – see the first item in the newsletter below

2.       Take action against Obela Hommus – see the second item in the newsletter

3.       Sign the petition to parliament (more details later in newsletter)

Nation-wide Effort to put pressure on Members of Parliament!

Nation-wide Effort to put pressure on Members of Parliament!

Soon every Member of Parliament will be talking about Palestine!  Here’s our plan for how we will do it.
First, we will flood the offices of every MP with letters about Palestine.  Below is a letter writing guide to help you take action.
Second, on September 6 and surrounding days, we will have a Nation-Wide day of action against the National Party!  We will have protests outside their offices wherever possible.

Below is all the information you need to get started.  For this week, the focus is on getting letters and having organizers start planning for September 6.

Guide to writing a letter to all Members of Parliament!

The PSNA is holding a campaign to flood Parliament with letters for Palestine.  We need everyone possible to write a letter. We will then make 121 copies of that letter and distribute one copy to every member of Parliament.

This will get them talking to each other about Palestine, making the rest of our pressure even more effective.

How it works:

All you need to do is write a ONE-page letter and send it to

The letter can be hand-written and scanned or a word document/PDF.  Hand-written letters have the most impact.

We will then print 121 copies of it, add a cover letter to it, and send it to Parliament to be distributed.

If you wish to print and send your letter yourself, you can find instructions here:

All you need to do is print 121 copies of your letter, add a covering letter asking to distribute one copy to every MP, and send it to Parliament’s physical address. NO STAMPS NEEDED – MESSAGES TO MPs ARE POSTAGE FREE.


All members of Parliament 
Care of Distribution Services 
Freepost Parliament
Private Bag 18 888 
Parliament Buildings 
Wellington 6160 

What to say:

The most important things are to make the letter uniquely your own, to call for action for Palestine, and to address all Members of Parliament.  Your letter will not just be read by one Party - every single MP will read it!

If you wish you can talk a little bit about yourself and give some background information on who you are.

Here’s some useful things you might talk about regarding Palestine:

  • The genocide has been ongoing for 76 years, but has been at its worst since October 7th.

  • The International Court of Justice (ICJ) has repeatedly spoken out against Israel including in the recent ruling on 19 July which declared Israel’s occupation in Palestine illegal.

  • The ICJ has stated that acquiring territory through war is illegal, and the settlements on Palestinian land are also illegal under international law.

  • Respecting international law means respecting the rights of Palestinians to their land.

  • The ICJ has ruled that Israel’s continued presence in Occupied Palestinian territory is unlawful and Israel must withdraw “as rapidly as possible.” Israel says it will ignore the ICJ.

  • International law is on our side.

  • New Zealand needs to get our troops out of Yemen. Why are we attacked people pressuring Israel to end the genocide in Gaza?

  • We need to act to ensure that New Zealand companies like Rakon cannot provide components to Israel for weapons.

  • We need to take stronger action boycotting, divesting, and sanctioning Israel.

  • New Zealand needs to actively support South Africa’s International Court of Justice case of genocide against Israel.

  • We need to recognize the state of Palestine.

  • We need to increase funding to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) which is by far the most effective deliverer of aid in Gaza.

  • Over 15,0000 children have been killed - and this is still climbing.

  • Over 40,000 Palestinians have been killed with many thousands more missing under the rubble.

Use whatever information here you find useful, or use your own information. Variety to the letters is a good thing, so make the letter your own!

Call for an end to genocide in Palestine! Call for the end of Israel’s impunity for war crimes! Call for New Zealand to speak up and end our complicity though silence!

To sum up:

Write a ONE page letter that every MP will see.  Send it to and we will get it sorted for printing and send it off.

If you wish, you can send it off yourself following the instructions above.

Nation-Wide day(s) of action: September 6

On September 6 (or close to it, if your centre cannot do September 6), we all want to be protesting National MPs.

At this stage we need organizers beginning to scope out what they can do and planning their protests. The first step is to find out what National MPs are in your electorate or nearby electorates:

Once you know which electorate MPs from the National Party are nearby, find their office and start planning a protest!  It is often a good idea to walk by in person to plan it out.  We are encouraging each centre to take their own approach to the protest, as each centre has unique capabilities and skills.

If you need any advice in planning this, please don’t hesitate to contact to ask for advice.  He has been working with our national strategy team to put together these events and has been running protests at MP’s offices in Christchurch.

If you don’t have a local National MP, feel free to get in touch and we can discuss ideas for what you might be able to do.

Reminder from last week - targeting Israeli genocide and apartheid – take BDS action against Obela Hommus… remember its “Nobela August!

This month we are targeting Obela Hommus to drive it off the shelves of our supermarkets across the country. Please note PSNA has written to our two big supermarket chains asking them to withdraw Obela products but they have not responded.

What can you do to help?

  1. Make a formal complaint to your local supermarket about them stocking a product which proudly supports and helps fund the Israeli military as it conducts genocide against Palestinians. More details are here and on the leaflet below. Some supermarkets such as Foodstuffs outlets (New World, Pak ‘n Save, Four Square) have a formal complaint process, for their customers, which they take seriously. You can get more details here. Otherwise you can make a complaint in person at the supermarket - and request a response from management.

  2. Work with your local Palestine solidarity group to distribute our leaflet – see copy below – and help spread community awareness of the international campaign to boycott Obela and get it off our supermarket shelves.

  3. Boycott Obela stickers will shortly be on their way to solidarity groups around the country… (see below)

  4. Take Obela products for a walk around your supermarket and drop them off in various places…

Nationwide rallies/marches/actions this week

Poster for Ōtautahi/Christchurch this weekend

Details about the nationwide rallies can be found here and the details of the protests this weekend are on the PSNA Facebook events page here.


 There are more than 30 events around the Motu this week.

North Island

Opononi – Rally to Stop the war on Children

Sunday 25 August

1:30 pm

Outside the Four Square, Opononi


Kerikeri - Rally

First Saturday of the month


Whangarei – Rally

Saturday 24 August

Check the PSNA Facebook events page


Auckland – Meet Luxon for Lunch. . .

Friday 23 August

1:00 pm – 2:00 pm (Gather at 12:30 pm)

The Trust Arena – 65 Central Park Drive, Henderson



Auckland – Meet Luxon for Dinner. . .

Friday 23 August

4:00 pm set up for a 5:00 pm start

Soljans Winery - 366 State Highway 16, Kumeū


Waiheke – Market Stall – hosted by Stand With Palestine Waiheke!

Saturday 24 August

8:00 am – 1:00 pm

Ostend Market, Waiheke Island


Auckland – Banners around Tamaki Makaurau

Saturday 24 August

10:00 am

Rimu Road / Mahunga Drive, Mangere Overbridge

Text Steve for details (dependant on wind speeds)


Auckland – Swim With Gaza

Saturday 24 August

2:00 – 3:00 pm

Mission Bay, Tamaki Drive


Auckland – Rally and March to Stop the war on Children

Sunday 25 August

2:00 pm

Te Komititanga – Britomart Square


Auckland - أسرى Asra: Stories of Palestinian Prisoners

5 days - Monday 3 – Friday 7 September

8:00 pm

Basement Theatre, Lower Greys Avenue, Auckland City

Book online or call 0508 iTICKET (0508 484 253)


Thames – Vigil to Stop the war on Children

(by The Basket – Social and Environmental Justice - Hauraki)

First Saturday of the month


Tauranga – Swim for Gaza

Saturday 24 August

1:00 pm – 2:00 pm

Moturiki Island (leisure Island), Mt Maunganui


Hamilton – Rally and March to Stop the war on Children

Saturday 24 August


Check the PSNA Facebook events page


Raglan - Movie – Where Olive Trees Weep ($10 Donation)

Wednesday 28 August

7:00 pm

Raglan Old School Arts Center, Raglan


Cambridge - Rally to Stop the war on Children

Every Saturday

11:00 am

Cambridge Town Hall


Gisborne - Farmers Market - Vigil to Stop the war on Children

Every Saturday

9:30 – 11:30 am

Gisborne Farmers Market


Rotorua – Rally to Stop the war on Children

Every Thursday

4:00 pm

Rotorua Lakes Council, Haupapa Street (Sir Howard Morrison Corner)


Napier - Rally to Stop the war on Children

Saturday 24 August

11:30 am

Marine Parade Soundshell Roundabout


Hastings – Rally to Stop the war on Children

Sunday 25 August

1:00 pm

Hastings Town Clock – Hastings CBD


Palmerston North - Rally to Stop the war on Children

Sunday 25 August

2:00 pm

The Square, Palmerston North


New Plymouth – Flags on the Bridge

Friday 23 August

4:30 pm

Paynters Ave Bridge


New Plymouth – Swim with Gaza

Saturday 24 August

1:00 pm

East end Reserve end of Buller St New Plymouth 


Whanganui – Film - Israelism

Friday 23 August

7:30 pm

Davis Lecture Theatre, Watt Street Whanganui


Whanganui - Rally to Stop the war on Children

Saturday 24 August

11:00 am

Riverside Market, Whanganui


Carterton - Vigil to Stop the war on Children

Every Tuesday

12:00 midday

Memorial Square.


Martinborough – Vigil to Stop the war on Children

Every Wednesday

11:00 am

The square at the top of Kitchener St, Martinborough


Masterton - Vigil to Stop the war on Children

Every Sunday

9:30 am

Town Hall Lawn


Featherston – Gathering for Gaza

Every Saturday

11:00 am

The Squircle (opposite the op shop).


Wellington – Vigil for Palestine (by Aotearoa Healthcare Workers for Palestine)

Every Friday

6:00 pm

In front of Wellington Hospital

49 Riddiford Street, Newtown, Wellington


Wellington – Flags on the Bridge

(hosted by the Falastin Tea Collective)

Every Friday

7:15 – 8:15 am

Hill Street bridge Overbridge, Wellington


Wellington – Rally for Palestine

(hosted by Collective groups of Wellington)

Saturday 24 August

1:00 - 2:00 pm

Glover Park, Wellington


South Island

Nelson – Rally

Saturday 24 August

10:30 am

1903 Square, Upper Trafalgar Street, Nelson


Blenheim - Rally to Stop the war on Children

Saturday 24 August

11:00 am

Blenheim Railway Station


Christchurch – Flag Waving for Palestine

Wednesday 21 August

4:00 – 5:30 pm

Corner of Beachville Road and Main Road


Christchurch – Again - Flag Waving for Palestine

Friday 23 August

4:00 – 5:30 pm

Bridge of Remembrance, Cashel Street, Christchurch


Christchurch – No Obela (NObela) Rally

Saturday 24 August

1:00 – 2:00 pm

Bridge of Remembrance, Cashel Street, Christchurch



No Rally this weekend



Next planned Rally is Saturday September 14


No Rally this weekend


Invercargill - Rally to Stop the war on Children

Sunday 25 August

1:00 pm

Wachner place Invercargill 

Remember the three things we asked you to do at the start of the newsletter?

1.       Write a letter to parliament – see the first item of this newsletter.

2.       Take action on Obela Hommus (see the actions in the article above)

3.       Sign the Palestine solidarity petition here (see article further on in the newsletter)

Stories of Palestinian prisoners

Harakat Productions presents

أسرى Asra: Stories of Palestinian Prisoners

This documentary theatre production uses puppetry and audience participation to tell the stories of Palestinian prisoners and the importance of literature, poetry, and songs, as practices of resistance and liberation.

Directed by Rand Hazou

Performed by Acacia O'Connor, Ahmed Youssef, and Rand Hazou

Puppet fabrication and direction by Paul Lewis

Musical direction by Eva-Maria Ghannam

Produced and Stage Managed by Ariana Williams

DATE 03 - 07 SEP, 8.00 PM

PRICE: $18-$28


Book online or call 

0508 iTICKET (0508 484 253)

Basement Theatre

Lower Greys Avenue, Auckland City

Appointing a weasel to protect kiwi eggs

PSNA issued this media statement in response to last Friday’s appointment of Dr Stephen Rainbow as the new Chief Human Rights Commissioner:

Justice Minister Paul Goldsmith’s appointment of Dr Stephen Rainbow as Chief Human Rights Commissioner is akin to appointing a weasel to protect kiwi eggs.

Dr Rainbow is a pro-Israel extremist who has been a guest writer on the viciously anti-Palestinian website – the Israel Institute – where he has repeated and promoted the nastiest of apartheid Israel’s propaganda.

Dr Rainbow believes it is OK to protect the rights of one group by driving another group of indigenous people off their land and subjecting them to 76 years of brutal military occupation.

The rights of Indigenous Palestinians don’t rate a mention from Dr Rainbow – the same attitudes are likely to show through in his dealings with Māori as the indigenous people of Aotearoa New Zealand.

The previous Chief Human Rights Commissioner came under sustained pressure to adopt the blatantly anti-Palestinian IHRA (International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance) definition of anti-Semitism which has been used around the world to attack and demonise Palestinian solidarity organisations and activists.

It is inevitable Dr Rainbow will face the same pressures and, left to his own devices, will be happy to oblige the pro-Israel lobby.

The Palestine solidarity movement will continue to campaign to ensure the IHRA is not adopted by the government or civil society groups here.

Remember BDS for Aotearoa New Zealand

Remember our big six BDS targets for Aotearoa New Zealand?

  • Obela Hummus

  • Ahava skin care products

  • Sodastream

  • HP (Hewlett-Packard)

  • BP and Caltex

  • McDonalds

Find more details here.

Petition from National Protest at Parliament on 27th June - Please Share

At the all out Gaza rally on 27th June, we delivered our demand letter addressed to the Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs to the Green Party for submission on our behalf.

This letter, endorsed by numerous NGOs, academics, councillors, unions, religious groups, and advocates for Palestinian liberation, has yet to receive a response from the government. We have now turned these demands into a petition for public support.

Please sign and share the petition to increase pressure on our government. We are asking them to:

✅ Support South Africa's International Court of Justice case of genocide against Israel
✅ Impose sanctions on Israel and its supporters
✅ Recognize the state of Palestine
✅ Increase funding to UNRWA

Petition link:

Made in Palestine – Exhibition/Fundraiser

Proceeds to Palestine Children's Relief Fund (PCRF)



Pinky Fang & Emily Hartley-Skudder

with Scent by Nathan Taare

DRIVE-THRU Gallery, 2 Riddiford St, Newtown, Te Whanganui-a-Tara

Opening event: 3pm Saturday 17th August / Closing event: 3pm Saturday 7th September 

Note: The gallery will also be open throughout the month on Fridays and Saturdays from 11- 4pm. 

Pinky's mum collects all sorts of antiques, and in the 1970’s she came across a collection of vintage imported cosmetic products from a pharmacy estate sale in Hastings – deodorant, hair oil, baby powder, toothpaste, and more. Many of these products have 'Made in Palestine' on their labels: they are most likely pre-1948. Seeing Palestine printed on these products as their country of origin is powerful – they serve as tangible, historical evidence of a land that many still try to erase and refuse to officially recognise.

Made in Palestine offers up these found cosmetics – as photographs and IRL – as a starting point to encourage a dialogue around the history of Palestine. This exhibition will also launch the pocket-sized Beauty Boycott Zine, highlighting how capitalism and consumerism contribute to the oppression of the Palestinian people and the importance of the BDS movement today – drawing attention to the conglomerates on the boycott list who are parent companies of so many everyday toiletries. Alongside the vintage objects and photographs will be a limited edition attar fragrance with notes of olive leaf and watermelon, created by Nathan Taare. An essay by Milly Mitchell-Anyon will accompany the exhibition.

Prints, fragrance and raffle tickets will be on sale with proceeds going to Palestine Children's Relief Fund (PCRF).

PM Luxon makes an appearane at a ptotest in Pukekohe last wek

Peacefully protesting outside Eden Park was definitely not what I had expected…

Getting ready for the crowds…

And here they go…

And inside…

A PSNA supporter had this to say after taking the pro-Palestine-anti-genocide message to the All Blacks Vs Argentina rugby game at Eden Park last weekend:

Peacefully protesting outside Eden Park was definitely not what I had expected. I expected the rugby crowd to be a bit hesitant to be very opinionated and to not be receptive. However, it was so heart-warming to see so many people thanking us for being there.

I got four hugs over the span of 3 1/2 hours, we had lots of people reading the banners and nodding their heads in approval. We were in the rain with our large banners and so many people were willing to smuggle in flags. They were willing to smuggle them in and then put them up in the last five minutes of the game. We had someone start chanting very passionately “free free Palestine” and a bunch of people joined in (including us of course).

The atmosphere was really supportive even those that didn't take a flag were doing like the peace sign, and it was just not what I expected. One of the supporters who was so excited to smuggle in a flag was a woman who told me her story about how there was an Israeli Zionist at her workplace, and she refused to do business with him.

I think the fact that we were out in the rain peacefully bringing attention to the genocide in Gaza was a positive way to provoke curiosity in the general public and much to my surprise see all the support for Palestine in the general public.

Friends of Israel – yes but also racist, Islamophobic and spreaders of Israeli lies and propaganda

Have a quick look at the “opinion” which came with the notice for a rally organised by Friends of Israel in Ōtautahi/Christchurch. How many blatant lies, Islamophobic statements and racist anti-Palestinian assumptions can you find?

“NO OTHER LAND” – A Palestinian film showing at the New Zealand International Film Festival

Directed by Basel Adra, Hamdan Ballal, Yuval Abraham, Rachel Szor

"Produced by a Palestinian-Israeli collective, this is a film poised to meet a world changed by events that have unfolded since it wrapped production in October 2023. No Other Land documents a Palestinian village and its residents as they struggle against forced displacement. The West Bank’s Masafer Yatta faces mass evictions at hands of Israeli authorities. Yet this is as much a story of its own co-directors’ asymmetrical relationship, as it is an account of events in Masafer Yatta. The result is a masterful exploration of 21st century apartheid and colonisation." — Nadia Abu-Shanab



Saturday 17 August 1:15PM The Civic


Sunday 18 August 10:00AM Lumiere Cinemas (Bardot)

Friday 30 August 4:15PM Lumiere Cinemas (Bernhardt)

Saturday 31 August 3:30PM Lumiere Cinemas (Bernhardt)



Sunday 25 August 10:45AM Regent Theatre



Monday 26 August 6:15PM LIDO Cinemas

Sunday 1 September 1:00PM LIDO Cinemas



Monday 19 August 6:00PM Luxe Cinemas Tauranga

Thursday 22 August 2:15PM Luxe Cinemas Tauranga


New Plymouth

Monday 2 September 4:15PM Len Lye Centre

Wednesday 4 September 6:15PM Len Lye Centre



Tuesday 27 August 7:45PM MTG Century Theatre


Thursday 15 August 2:00PM State Cinemas

Thursday 22 August 6:15PM State Cinemas



Friday 23 August 2:00PM Regent 3 Cinemas

Monday 26 August 6:00PM Regent 3 Cinemas

Looking out for government MPs

“Pitiful in the face of genocide” – yes that’s our government. It still hasn’t even reached first base in responding to the industrial scale slaughter of Palestinians in Gaza. First base would be to condemn Israel and call for an immediate permanent ceasefire.

We need to challenge government MPs in National, New Zealand First and Act.

If you come across information with details of where any of these MPs will be for speaking or have meeting engagements, then please contact us urgently so we can organise to protest and challenge them.

Email or text 027 4 APARTHEID or 027427278.

Important stories this week

Editor’s Pick’s

  • In a significant reversal the Church of England head says Israeli occupation must end following ICJ opinion here

  • Initial Euro-Med Monitor investigation finds no evidence of military presence at site of Tab’een School massacre here

  • Tahu News story from the Hikoi mō ngā Tamariki march in Ōtautahi/Christchurch on 10 August here (video)

  • The bloodiest face of its genocide: Israel has killed 2,100 Palestinian infants and toddlers in Gaza here

  • Israel’s use of human shields on the battlefield is a war crime here

  • London council to divest $3.4million from companies complicit in West Bank settlements here

  • Israel’s pattern of bombing schools and shelters in Gaza here

  • Change on way? ABC reviews ICJ ruling here

  • Me Too unless it’s Palestinian: Why western feminists ignore proven Israeli rape of Palestinians here


Other Stories

  • Politicians browbeaten and brainwashed by Zionism here

  • There is no grey in Dutton’s views of the war on Gaza. Not even Australia’s spy chief can shift his position here

  • Federal funding for multiculturalism spent on misinformation about Muslims? here

  • What is Zionism? Who is responsible for Israel’s crimes – Jews or Zionists? here

  • Starving the funding – how to cope with the Israeli war machine here

  • Palestinians have nowhere safe to turn – UK statement at the UN Security Council here

  • The Zionists leave us with no choice – fight fire with fire here

  • More than 100 journalists come together with their fellow journalists in Palestine and against US complicity in their killing here

  • Over 100 illegal Israeli settlers set fire to West Bank town here

  • ‘Pure terrorism’: World reacts to Israeli settler attack in West Bank here

  • UN chief calls for assurances of humanitarian pauses for polio vaccination campaign in Gaza here

  • Gaza records first polio case as UN calls for truce to tackle virus here

  • End game – what’s Israel’s plan in the occupied West Bank here

  • Israeli media’s coverage of the rape of Palestinian detainees shows support for sexual violence in service of genocide here

  • ‘Words like slaughter’: a comparative study of the New York Times reporting in Ukraine and Gaza here

  • Tactical paranoia – Peter Dutton’s Palestinian problem here

  • Political assassination on a butcher’s paper here

  • ‘All that was left was bones’: Palestinian father mourns newborn twins killed by Israeli army here

  • US approves $20 billion in weapon sales to Israel here

  • Israel targets shelter school in systematic forced evacuation of the displaced people of Gaza here

  • US says reports Israel is using civilians as human shields is ‘disturbing’, urges investigation here

  • Israel scrambling to delay ICC warrants for Netanyahu, Gallant here

The ethnic cleansing of Palestine by Ilan Pappe

A reader tells us this book can be obtained on electronic copy at no cost here  Printed copies are available from The Nile, $26.10 + shipping from here.

There is also a 15-page article from Ilan Pappe based on the book and that is available here

Remember BDS for Aotearoa New Zealand

Remember our big six BDS targets for Aotearoa New Zealand?

  • Obela Hummus

  • Ahava skin care products

  • Sodastream

  • HP (Hewlett-Packard)

  • BP and Caltex

  • McDonalds

Find more details here.

Watch out for this man promoting racism and apartheid

Here he is – the Israeli ambassador – watch out for him around Aotearoa New Zealand – if you hear of any planned appearances or speaking engagements please contact us urgently: Email or text 027 4 APARTHEID or 027427278.

Israeli ambassador Ran Yaakoby

Reminder: Dates for Palestine Solidarity during the year

Israel apartheid week has been added to the dates for likely local and national Palestine solidarity activity this year.

28 Mar – 4 Apr        Israel Apartheid Week

30 Mar                      Land Day Palestine

5 Apr                         Palestinian Childs Day

9 Apr                         Deir Yassin massacre - Irgun Terrorism - 107-120 Palestinian men, women and children massacred

17 Apr                        Palestinian Prisoners Day

11 May                      World Kufiya Day

15 May                      Nakba Day – marking the mass ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from Palestine in 1948

5 Jun                         Nakba Day - Start of 1967 War - Land Grab – Invasion of Jerusalem, West Bank, Gaza, Egypt and Syria - 5 June 1967 – 10 June 1967

20 Jun                     Attack on Gaza - 6–21 May 2021 (2 weeks and 1 day)

16-18 Sep                40th anniversary of the Sabra and Shatila massacres

28 Sep                     Second Intifada - 28 Sept 2000 – 8 Feb 2005

2 Nov                      Balfour Declaration

29 Nov                   United Nations - International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People

8 Dec                      First Intifada - 8 Dec 1987 – 13 Sept 1993

Are you able to donate a cup of coffee a month to the campaign?

We will need some serious money to make our campaign as effective as possible. For example, we will need somewhere in the vicinity of $25,000 to bring speakers to New Zealand over the next year and organise large public meetings to help spread the message.

You can help. Are you able to donate a cup of coffee a month to the campaign? In other words, can you afford to make an automatic payment of $5 per month to support the Palestinian struggle? (If you can afford more that would be great!)

Our account details are:

  • Account name: Palestine Solidarity Network

  • Account number: 38-9015-0849542-00

We are happy to provide a receipt upon request (however, we are not a registered charity so this is not tax-deductible)

In Occupied Palestine daily newsletter – an invitation to subscribe from Leslie Bravery

Because of mainstream news media complicity, daily headlines and commentary only occasionally ever mention the relentless Israeli violence in Palestine, not even the frequent air strikes!

However, daily news and statistics regarding the violence Palestinians are forced to live under are regularly reported on in the “In Occupied Palestine daily newsletter”, sourced and compiled for easy reading and correlation chiefly from the Palestinian Monitoring Group's daily situation reports.

The In Occupied Palestine daily newsletter continues to be circulated, by email, worldwide to subscribers only, as it has been over the last two decades.

Please contact if you also wish to become a subscriber.

Merchandise for sale

We have Merchandise you can buy including T-shirts from our website.

More ways you can get involved

  • Forward this Newsletter – If you know people who may be interested in this movement, please forward this Newsletter to them.

  • Join in local activities in your area - Contact if you would like to know where and how to get Flags and Banners

  • Help set up a Students for Justice in Palestine groups on your campus

  • Tell Your MP your opinions on Divestment and Sanctions of Israel.

  • Write Letters to Newspapers – Call Talkback Radio

  • Keep in touch with the campaign on social media

o        NZ Palestine Solidarity Network website:

o        NZ Palestine Solidarity Network Facebook:

o        NZ Palestine Solidarity Network email:

  •  The Palestine Human Rights Campaign produces the In Occupied Palestine newsletter. It is a regular daily newsletter on the daily situation in Palestine, compiled by Leslie Bravery and emailed to subscribers. If you would also like to become a subscriber, please contact Leslie at “lesliebravery @ icloud .com” (remove the spaces to use as an email address) for further information.

  •  Keep Updated on our Facebook pages and websites (listed below)

  • Human rights for Uyghur refugees - In line with our support for human rights for the people of Palestine we have added our name to the petition in support of human rights for Uyghur refugees so they can be included in the government’s refugee quota. PSNA members who wish to also sign this petition can do so here -

PSNA Groups

PSNA National Committee

Chair - John Minto:
Secretary - Neil Scott:

Regional Groups

Bay of Islands PSN Bay of Islands (Email)
Whangarei PSN Whangarei (Facebook)
Auckland PSN Auckland – Tamaki Makaurau (Website)
Hamilton Palestine Human Rights Campaign Waikato (Facebook)
Tauranga Tauranga Moana 4 Palestine (Facebook)
Napier/Hastings Aotearoa Standing with Palestine (Facebook)
Palmerston North PSN Palmerston North (Email)
New Plymouth PSN Taranaki (Facebook)
Wellington PSN Wellington (Email)
Nelson Te Tau Ihu (Nelson) Palestine (Facebook)
Christchurch PSN Christchurch (Facebook)
Dunedin Dunedin for Justice in Palestine (Facebook)
Invercargill PSNA Invercargill (Email)