Endorsing our letter of demand to the government

On 20 June 2024 Palestine Solidarity Network Aotearoa has issued the government a “letter of demand” for complicity with Israel’s genocidal war in Gaza (a copy of the letter is below)

We are seeking endorsements for the letter from individuals and organisations. We hope you will endorse the letter, encourage friends and family to add their names also and help spread the word on social media.

If you wish to endorse this letter add your details below.


The letter of demand signals our intent with the support of members of the Palestinian community to pursue legal accountability for the lack of actions taken by the government, and key government ministers, in their roles. PSNA is deeply concerned about New Zealand failing to uphold our legal responsibilities under the Genocide Convention which requires the government to take actions that “prevent and punish the crime of genocide”.

New Zealand is a signatory to the Genocide Convention and we also have wider responsibilities under international humanitarian law – in particular the Fourth Geneva Convention – which deals with responsibility for civilians living under military occupation.

“From the outset the government has failed to take even the most basic steps to pressure Israel to end its genocidal war against Palestinians” says PSNA National Chair John Minto. “We haven’t condemned Israeli actions nor the industrial-scale slaughter of Palestinians in Gaza.”

We believe it is time to take meaningful steps to hold Israel to account. The letter lists the areas where our government has failed to act in upholding its legal responsibilities. To ensure our government understands that New Zealanders want them to be taking more meaningful steps, PSNA will be releasing the letter publicly at 1.00 pm on Thursday 20 June 2024. We are inviting organisations and individuals to support the demands listed in the letter below.

PSNA intends to take further steps failing to get a meaningful response from this government and the relevant Ministers by 18th July 2024.

The letter has been issued to:

  • Prime Minister Luxon

  • Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Peters

  • Attorney General Collins

  • Minister for Immigration Stanford

  • Minister for Regulation Seymour

  • Minister of State for Trade Grigg

  • Minister for Women Grigg

  • Associate Minister of Foreign Affairs McClay

  • Associate Minister of Immigration Costello

  • Associate Minister of Defense Penk

Remember to help us spread the word to family and friends by email, social media posts etc


John Minto
National Chair
Palestine Solidarity Network Aotearoa

For media enquiries, please contact Tayyaba Khan - 020 4039 8702
(Please scroll down to the button taking you to the full text of the letter and the form endorsing the letter)

(for Organisations, please put the Organisation name in the “First Name” Field and the signatory name in the “Last Name” field. If you don’t want to add a signatory name, please put a full stop “.” in the Last Name field as this field needs content for the form to be sent)