PSNA Newsletter No 144 - July 10 2024

10 Hōngongoi 2024

10 July 2024

Newsletter No 144

Kia ora koutou,

Luxon takes the cake for racist hypocrisy!

Luxon has rightly called out and condemned the attack on a children’s hospital in Ukraine which has killed at least 41 people.

Meanwhile over 38,000 Palestinians – mostly women and children – have been slaughtered by Israel in Gaza and still not a word of condemnation of Israel from the New Zealand government.

Breathtaking hypocrisy!

Israel’s systematic destruction of all Gaza healthcare facilities, its campaign of collective punishment and use of starvation as a weapon of war have been exhaustively documented by the European Union, the United Nations and international human rights groups.

More bombs have been dropped on the densely populated strip in the past nine months than the combined total of all the bombs dropped on London, Dresden and Hamburg during the full six years of the second world war.

Luxon is happy to call Gaza a catastrophe but refuses to condemn the industrial-scale killing of Palestinians and pin the blame where it belongs – with Israel’s 76-year project to ethnically cleanse Palestinians from Palestine and steal their land.

Racism and cowardice are rampant in Luxon’s foreign policy.

Rallies, marches, vigils and protests around the motu this weekend

Ōtautahi/Christchurch poster for this week


To view events around Aotearoa:

·         Go to the PSNA Homepage –

·         Scroll down to the button “For a list of events Nationwide, please click here - Check back often for updates”

·         Click the button

·         Check back on Friday for any moves, adds or changes


Events list

North Island

Opononi – Gathering for Palestine

Sunday 14 July

1:30 pm

Outside the Four Square, Opononi



Every first Saturday of the month

Not this Saturday


Whangarei – Rally

Saturday 13 July

10:00 am

Whangārei Town Basin in front of Hundertwasser Building


Auckland Picket – British Consulate

Friday 12 July

12:00 noon

151 Queen Street, Auckland CBD


Waiheke Island Market – Auckland

Every Saturday

8:00 am – 1:00 pm

Ostend Market, Waiheke Island


Auckland –Banners around Tamaki Makaurau

Saturday 13 July

10:00 – 1:00 pm

Cnr Stoddard and May Roads, Mt Roskill

Text Steve for details (dependent on wind speeds)


Auckland – Rally

Sunday 14 July

2:00 pm

Te Komititanga – Britomart Square


Tauranga – Rally

Sunday 14 July

11:00 am -12: 00 noon

In front of Woolworths - SH 2 - Bethlehem Rd


Hamilton – Rally

Saturday 13 July

1:00 pm

Civic Square, Hamilton


Cambridge Rally

Saturday 13 July

11:00 am

Cambridge Town Hall


Rotorua - Rally

Thursday 11 July

4:00 pm

Rotorua Lakes Council, Haupapa Street (Sir Howard Morrison Corner)


Napier - Rally

Saturday 13 July

11:30 am

Marine Parade Soundshell Roundabout


Hastings - Rally

Sunday 14 July

2:00 pm

Hastings Town Clock – Hastings CBD


Palmerston North - Rally

Sunday 14 July

2:00 pm

The Square, Palmerston North


New Plymouth – Flags on the Bridge

Friday 12 July

4:30 pm

Paynters Ave Bridge

Check the local Facebook page to see if this is on this week.


New Plymouth – Rally

Saturday 13 July

1:00 pm

The Landing, 1 Ariki Street, New Plymouth


Whanganui - Rally

Saturday 13 July

11:00 am

Riverside Market, Whanganui



Every Tuesday

12:00 midday

Memorial Square.


Martinborough – Gathering for Palestine

Every Wednesday

11:00 am

The square at the top of Kitchener St, Martinborough



Every Sunday

9:30 am

Town Hall Lawn



Every Saturday

11:00 am

The Squircle (opposite the op shop).


Wellington – Flags (by the Falastin Tea Collective)

Every Friday

7:15 – 8:15 am

Hill Street bridge Overbridge, Wellington


Wellington – Rally (by the Falastin Tea Collective)

Saturday 13 July

1:00 pm

The corner of Victoria Street and Vivian street Please see Instagram account @falastin_tea_collective for updates.



South Island

Nelson – Rally

Saturday 13 July

10:30 am

1903 Square, Upper Trafalgar Street, Nelson



Saturday 13 July

11:00 am

Blenheim Railway Station


Christchurch – Rally

Saturday 13 July

1:00 pm

Bridge of Remembrance, Cashel Street, Christchurch


Timaru – Market Stall

Not this week


Dunedin - Rally

Saturday 13 July

1:00 pm

Otago Museum Reserve to the Octagon, Dunedin


No Rally this weekend

Invercargill - Rally

Sunday 14 July

1:00 pm

Wachner place Invercargill

Date change to 10 August for nationwide rallies and protests

August 10 was agreed at our last national meeting as the date for a big push to get a mass turnout in support of Palestine across the country. We will have more details in future newsletters but mark this day in your diary as a MUST ATTEND for your local Palestine solidarity activity.

What Israel says about the Olympics – sportswashing to help normalise genocide!

“Every time we succeed in hearing the Israeli anthem play in the background while our flag flies overhead is in my eyes worth everything,” says Israeli Culture and Sports Minister Miki Zohar.

The full story is here

(This same Israeli minister also proclaims the “supremacy of the Jewish Race”)

The flag of the apartheid state of Israel must not fly at the Olympics.

Two things you can do now with just a few clicks…

1.       Endorse our “Letter of Demand” to hold the government and key government ministers, to account for failing to uphold New Zealand’s legal responsibilities under the Genocide Convention. You can do this here

2.       Share these memes on social media

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Obela in August

Get ready to take some serious action in August to stop New Zealand supermarkets stocking Obela Hummus.

We are preparing a comprehensive campaign to get rid of this product from our supermarket shelves throughout the country in August!

We have written to both supermarket chains (Woolworths and Foodstuffs) but have received no response. It’s time for consumer action!

Obela is 50% owned by Israel’s largest food company, Strauss Group, which is known for its support of the Israeli military, namely the elite Golani and Givati infantry brigades, whom they fund and provide care packages for.

Awful story of anti-Palestinian racism at Remuera library


Read the story here

If anyone were asked to remove a kippa (Jewish cap) to be served anywhere that would be anti-semitism. When it happens to someone wearing a keffiyeh it is anti-Palestinian racism.

If this story prompts you to buy a keffiyeh they can be purchased at Preserved Identity

Green Party co-leader Chloe Swarbrick, Labour’s Duncan Webb and Te Pāti Māori’s Rawiri Waititi wearing keffiyehs in parliament.

Book launch – The Sunbird

‘The world cries out for the obliterated rights of Gaza’s children and [this] story honours their too often cancelled right to continued breath.’      Thomas Keneally, author of Schindler’s List

The launch is at 6pm on Friday 12 July at The Women’s Bookshop, 105 Ponsonby Road, Auckland. 6pm. Everyone welcome.

A note from the Author

“It is my hope that, when we are allowed to speak more freely, The Sunbird will be read in schools. While we have seen unprecedented public support for Palestine over the last few months, too many people remain detached. But people are also hungry for justice and they are hungry for information about Palestine. The Sunbird is a distillation of aspects of the Palestinian experience derived from Palestinian oral and written histories about Al Nakba, combined with some of my own family’s experience as Arab migrants to Australia. With the story of Nabila, and the Addendum that follows it, I hope to raise awareness among people who may not otherwise engage with the issue of Palestine. There is a significant body of research that supports the view that fiction enables empathy. Its unique power lies in its ability to transport the reader to other places, to experience other people’s lives. When people read fiction they can see what others see and feel what others feel. In fiction you are not an interested bystander. You are in the moment, sharing a human experience. The Sunbird is the most important part of my activism. Arundhati Roy, great advocate for Palestine, said, ‘Use your art to fight.’

Ms Roy, I am using my art to fight!

Looking out for government MPs

“Pitiful in the face of genocide” – yes that’s our government. It still hasn’t even reached first base in responding to the industrial scale slaughter of Palestinians in Gaza. First base would be to condemn Israel and call for an immediate permanent ceasefire.

We need to challenge government MPs in National, New Zealand First and Act.

If you come across information with details of where any of these MPs will be for speaking or have meeting engagements, then please contact us urgently so we can organise to protest and challenge them.

Email or text 027 4 APARTHEID or 027427278.

Important stories this week

Editor’s Pick’s

  • Israel approves three settlement outposts and thousands more homes in occupied West Bank here

  • The Israeli army use of Palestinians as human shields has been documented on a large scale here

  • How Israeli drone strikes are killing journalists in Gaza here

  • US magazine – Hamas is winning here

  • Norway pension fund cuts ties with Caterpillar over Gaza war here

  • Battles rage on in North Gaza as Palestinian fighters ambush Israeli troops here

  • Why the Israeli army is expanding its invasion of Gaza City here

  • The philosophy ofof Hamas in the writings of Yaha Sinwar here

  • Why there is no uprising in the occupied West Bank – yet here


Other Stories

  • The liberal Zionism and the woke façade of Israeli genocide here

  • A child in Gaza here

  • In memory of Nahida Gordon’s passing. Hear her life's story from her here (video)

  • Podcast Rethinking Palestine: Palestinian Genocide Survivors in Egypt on Apple Podcasts here

  • The naked face of imperialism here

  • Israel threatens use of nuclear weapons here

  • Will Senator Payman influence Australian government decision makers here

  • Labor (Australia) can not afford to ignore the recognition of Palestine here

  • Understanding Hamas here

  • Speaking truth to power here

  • For Labor, Payman breaching caucus rules is worse than Israel committing genocide here

The ethnic cleansing of Palestine by Ilan Pappe

A reader tells us this book can be obtained on electronic copy at no cost here  Printed copies are available from The Nile, $26.10 + shipping from here.

There is also a 15-page article from Ilan Pappe based on the book and that is available here

Freedom Flotilla to Gaza ready to go from Türkiye but held up by Israeli pressure on supporting countries

Gaza Aid flotilla, due for launch last week has been delayed by ‘Israeli tactics’ here

Keep up to date with developments here

Remember BDS for Aotearoa New Zealand

Remember our big six BDS targets for Aotearoa New Zealand?

  • Obela Hummus

  • Ahava skin care products

  • Sodastream

  • HP (Hewlett-Packard)

  • BP and Caltex

  • McDonalds

Find more details here.

Watch out for this man promoting racism and apartheid

Here he is – the Israeli ambassador – watch out for him around Aotearoa New Zealand – if you hear of any planned appearances or speaking engagements please contact us urgently: Email or text 027 4 APARTHEID or 027427278.

Israeli ambassador Ran Yaakoby

Reminder: Dates for Palestine Solidarity during the year

Israel apartheid week has been added to the dates for likely local and national Palestine solidarity activity this year.

28 Mar – 4 Apr        Israel Apartheid Week

30 Mar                      Land Day Palestine

5 Apr                         Palestinian Childs Day

9 Apr                         Deir Yassin massacre - Irgun Terrorism - 107-120 Palestinian men, women and children massacred

17 Apr                        Palestinian Prisoners Day

11 May                      World Kufiya Day

15 May                      Nakba Day – marking the mass ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from Palestine in 1948

5 Jun                         Nakba Day - Start of 1967 War - Land Grab – Invasion of Jerusalem, West Bank, Gaza, Egypt and Syria - 5 June 1967 – 10 June 1967

20 Jun                     Attack on Gaza - 6–21 May 2021 (2 weeks and 1 day)

16-18 Sep                40th anniversary of the Sabra and Shatila massacres

28 Sep                     Second Intifada - 28 Sept 2000 – 8 Feb 2005

2 Nov                      Balfour Declaration

29 Nov                   United Nations - International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People

8 Dec                      First Intifada - 8 Dec 1987 – 13 Sept 1993

Are you able to donate a cup of coffee a month to the campaign?

We will need some serious money to make our campaign as effective as possible. For example, we will need somewhere in the vicinity of $25,000 to bring speakers to New Zealand over the next year and organise large public meetings to help spread the message.

You can help. Are you able to donate a cup of coffee a month to the campaign? In other words, can you afford to make an automatic payment of $5 per month to support the Palestinian struggle? (If you can afford more that would be great!)

Our account details are:

  • Account name: Palestine Solidarity Network

  • Account number: 38-9015-0849542-00

We are happy to provide a receipt upon request (however, we are not a registered charity so this is not tax-deductible)

In Occupied Palestine daily newsletter – an invitation to subscribe from Leslie Bravery

Because of mainstream news media complicity, daily headlines and commentary only occasionally ever mention the relentless Israeli violence in Palestine, not even the frequent air strikes!

However, daily news and statistics regarding the violence Palestinians are forced to live under are regularly reported on in the “In Occupied Palestine daily newsletter”, sourced and compiled for easy reading and correlation chiefly from the Palestinian Monitoring Group's daily situation reports.

The In Occupied Palestine daily newsletter continues to be circulated, by email, worldwide to subscribers only, as it has been over the last two decades.

Please contact if you also wish to become a subscriber.

Merchandise for sale

We have Merchandise you can buy including T-shirts from our website.

More ways you can get involved

  • Forward this Newsletter – If you know people who may be interested in this movement, please forward this Newsletter to them.

  • Join in local activities in your area monthly Rallies - In Auckland at 2.00 pm on the first Saturday of every month. Please consider doing the same in your community. Contact if you would like to know where and how to get Flags and Banners

  • Help set up a Students for Justice in Palestine groups on your campus

  • Tell Your MP your opinions on Divestment and Sanctions of Israel.

  • Write Letters to Newspapers – Call Talkback Radio

  • Keep in touch with the campaign on social media

o        NZ Palestine Solidarity Network website:

o        NZ Palestine Solidarity Network Facebook:

o        NZ Palestine Solidarity Network email:

  •  The Palestine Human Rights Campaign produces the In Occupied Palestine newsletter. It is a regular daily newsletter on the daily situation in Palestine, compiled by Leslie Bravery and emailed to subscribers. If you would also like to become a subscriber, please contact Leslie at “lesliebravery @ icloud .com” (remove the spaces to use as an email address) for further information.

  •  Keep Updated on our Facebook pages and websites (listed below)

  • Human rights for Uyghur refugees - In line with our support for human rights for the people of Palestine we have added our name to the petition in support of human rights for Uyghur refugees so they can be included in the government’s refugee quota. PSNA members who wish to also sign this petition can do so here -

PSNA Groups

PSNA National Committee

Chair - John Minto:
Secretary - Neil Scott:

Regional Groups

Bay of Islands PSN Bay of Islands (Email)
Whangarei PSN Whangarei (Facebook)
Auckland PSN Auckland – Tamaki Makaurau (Website)
Hamilton Palestine Human Rights Campaign Waikato (Facebook)
Tauranga Tauranga Moana 4 Palestine (Facebook)
Napier/Hastings Aotearoa Standing with Palestine (Facebook)
Palmerston North PSN Palmerston North (Email)
New Plymouth PSN Taranaki (Facebook)
Wellington PSN Wellington (Email)
Nelson Te Tau Ihu (Nelson) Palestine (Facebook)
Christchurch PSN Christchurch (Facebook)
Dunedin Dunedin for Justice in Palestine (Facebook)
Invercargill PSNA Invercargill (Email)