New Zealand government urged to condemn Israel’s attacks on Palestinian human rights organisations

Palestine Solidarity Network Aotearoa

23 October 2021

Media Release:

New Zealand government urged to condemn Israel’s attacks on Palestinian human rights organisations

Palestine Solidarity Network Aotearoa has written to the Minister of Foreign Affairs this afternoon urging Nanaia Mahuta to speak out and condemn outright Israel’s declaration of six Palestinian Human Rights organisations as “terrorist organisations”.

“This is another outrageous abuse of human rights, for which the Israeli regime has become synonymous”, says PSNA National Chair John Minto.

“Our government must speak up and hold Israel to account for this savage attack on legitimate human rights organisations”

The groups identified as “terrorist” by the Israeli government are:

  • Addameer, which supports Palestinian political prisoners

  • Al-Haq, a human rights organisation that works with the United Nations.

  • Union of Agricultural Work Committees

  • Bisan Centre for Research and Development

  • Union of Palestinian Women’s Committees

  • Defense for Children International - Palestine.

“One way or another PSNA supports the work of all these groups. They have been targeted because they are effective in bring Israel’s daily human rights abuses to international attention – and demanding accountability for Israel at the International Criminal Court”

 “New Zealand must stand with the indigenous people of Palestine who suffer under a racist, apartheid regime reinforced with unbridled brutality from the Israeli Defence Force”

“This attack is straight out of apartheid South Africa’s playbook which used “suppression of terrorism” and “suppression of communism” laws to outlaw the liberation movements of South Africa, the ANC and PAC (Nelson Mandela was a leader of the ANC)

“This attack on human rights groups is a signature move of totalitarian states around the world”

Under Nanaia Mahuta Aotearoa New Zealand has been all but silent in the face of Israel’s racism and apartheid. This complicity by silence must end now.



John Minto
National Chair
Palestine Solidarity Network Aotearoa