Call for New Zealand to be forthright in rejecting “Deal of the Century”

Palestine Solidarity Network Aotearoa

29 January 2020

Media release:

Call for New Zealand to be forthright in rejecting “Deal of the Century”

The Palestine Solidarity Network Aotearoa is calling on the New Zealand government to reject outright the US’s so-called “deal of the century” which claims to bring peace to the Middle East.

The sheer absurdity of the US proposal is astonishing.

Among other things it proposes to

  • Accept illegal Israeli settlements on Palestinian land

  • Approve Israel annexing (stealing) most of the occupied West Bank for itself

  • Approve the ongoing military occupation of Palestinian land and the siege of Gaza

  • Refuse Palestinians refugees the right to return to their land and homes

  • Legalise the on-going ethnic cleansing of Jerusalem

The deal is based on injustice, theft and denial of human rights to the Palestinian people.

It seeks to overturn numerous UN resolutions and turn international law on its head.

The deal is rejected by Palestinians and by progressive Jewish groups in Israel and around the world.

The international answer to the so-called deal of the century is for the world to intensify BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions) against Israel.

In the 1980s New Zealand did not accept white South African attempts to maintain its brutal oppression of black South Africans. Instead we intensified out efforts to boycott the South African regime.

We must take the same successful path to force Israel to abandon its racist, apartheid policies towards Palestinians.

John Minto
National Chair
Palestine Solidarity Network Aotearoa


Neil Scott