PSNA Newsletter No 87 - January 17 2023
17 Kohitātea 2023
17 January 2023
Newsletter No 87
Kia ora koutou,
Welcome to our first newsletter for 2023. As we predicted, the new ultra-right Israeli government has wasted no time in increasing its brutality and oppression of Palestinians. In the past three weeks, among other things, the new government has:
Begun implementing the final ethnic cleansing of Masafer Yatta in the South Hebron hills
Banned the Palestinian flag in public demonstrations
Organised a deeply provocative incursion into Al Aqsa Mosque compound – (led by the supporter of anti-Palestinian terrorism and new Minister of National Security, Itamar Ben-Gvir)
Announced Palestinians will never have the right to self-determination in historic Palestine (Prime Minister Netanyahu had previously said that Israeli Jews have the exclusive right to self-determination in Israel by passing the so-called Nation State Law – now this is to be applied to all of the occupied West Bank)
Announced plans to dramatically expand illegal Jewish-only settlements on Palestinian land
Announced the intention to effectively annex the entire occupied West Bank as part of Israel
Announced plans for parliament to override Israeli courts and the fundamental rights of citizens whenever it suits them.
How should we respond?
In two ways:
1 New Zealand must speak out.
Our largest voice is our government’s voice (which has so far stayed stony silent on the new racist Israeli government) so we ask that you copy and paste this letter into the email addresses for the Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs:
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Hon Jacinda Ardern
Prime Minister
Hon Nanaia Mahuta
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Kia ora Ms Ardern and Ms Mahuta,
The newly ultra-right Israeli government has announced plans to fast-track the violation of international law and United Nations resolutions with plans to prioritise illegal settlement building on Palestinian land. Alongside this the new regime has:
Begun implementing the final ethnic cleansing of Masafer Yatta in the South Hebron hills
Banned the Palestinian flag in public demonstrations
Organised a deeply provocative incursion into Al Aqsa Mosque compound – (led by the supporter of anti-Palestinian terrorism and new Minister of National Security, Itamar Ben-Gvir)
Announced Palestinians will never have the right to self-determination in historic Palestine (Prime Minister Netanyahu had previously said that Israeli Jews have the exclusive right to self-determination in Israel by passing the so-called Nation State Law – now this is to be applied to all of the occupied West Bank)
Announced the intention to effectively annex the entire occupied West Bank as part of Israel
Announced plans for parliament to override Israeli courts and the fundamental rights of citizens whenever it suits them
We expect your government to speak out against these egregious actions by the new Israeli regime. New Zealand must outspokenly oppose the new Israeli regime’s intensified oppression and brutality of Palestinians and the denial of their rights.
Our voice counts.
The government has the biggest voice in Aotearoa New Zealand. Please use it without delay to uphold international law and United Nations resolutions.
Nga mihi,
(your name)
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Please consider stopping and sending your email before reading on.
It will take less than 2 minutes.
Also, please consider BCCing so we can track how many emails the minister receives.
Or forward your email to me after you have sent it to the Minister.
With each newsletter, the number of emails sent grows.
The more emails we send, the more traction we get.
Nga mihi
Neil (Secretary)
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
2) We must step up our campaigning against the racist policies of the new Israeli regime being promoted here in Aotearoa New Zealand.
Protesting the Israeli Ambassador
The Israeli ambassador Ran Yaakoby is active around the country promoting positive messages about Israel’s apartheid system against Palestinians.
We are keen to be there whenever he speaks to protest and call out Israel’s racist apartheid policies.
If you find out any speaking engagements Ran Yaakoby has please let us know by texting 027 4 APARTHEID (0274272784) or email
Ran Yaakoby - Israel's ambassador to Aotearoa New Zealand
Back in the 1980s the New Zealand Anti-Apartheid movement launched a campaign to close the South Africa consulate in Wellington. A critical part of this campaign was to taget the South African Consul General with public protest whenever he turned up to promote apartheid. The campaign was successful with the government forcing the closure of the consul-general’s information service (its propaganda wing) In a fit of pique the South African government then closed its consulate entirely – a victory in the campaign to isolate South Africa’s apartheid regime.
In 2023 the Palestine Solidarity Network Aotearoa is launching a similar campaign to close apartheid Israel’s embassy in Wellington. We need our supporters everywhere to help by letting us know whenever Ran Yaakoby is to speak and we will be there to protest. Help to spread the poster above among family, friends and work colleagues.
If you see him on the street give him a piece of your mind.
We will not stand by while the racist Israeli government continues its brutal oppression of Palestinians.
Join the campaign to close the racist Israeli embassy!
Aseet Tayeh to sing in Auckland this Friday!
Palestine Youth Aotearoa is organising a performance for Palestinian singer Aseet Tayah in Auckland this coming Friday. Tickets can be booked here.
Early in 2023 will be the speaking tour by Br Peter BrayBrother Peter Bray’s speaking tour this month!
As reported in earlier newsletters, Brother Peter is Vice Chancellor of Bethlehem University in the occupied West Bank of Palestine and is touring New Zealand in a visit organized by the New Zealand Catholic Bishop’s Conference.
Here is the poster advertising his New Zealand meetings. Please pass on the message to family and friends – he is an excellent speaker and the meeting sare not to be missed.
PSNA in the media
PSNA National Chair John Minto had this piece printed in the New Zealand Herald last week
Palestine Solidarity Conference in Australia
The Palestine Solidarity Conference is only two weeks away! With only a limited number of spots available, you'll need to book in quickly to not miss out.
Australia Palestine Advocacy Network (APAN) invites you to join our 2023 Solidarity Conference!
For three days, we will be holding various workshops centred on the following:
* Palestinian narratives, demands and non-negotiables
* Building skillsets to better organise in AUS and NZ, and
* Planning for an International Day of Action for the 75th Nakba
Online: $20 AUD
In-person: $50 - 150 AUD
Register today to get updates on workshops that will be made available!
APAN Palestine Solidarity Conference, 2023 - building collective resistance
Cost AUS $50 to $150. Register here.
Corporate Accountability in Palestine: Grassroots Strategies
Al-Shabaka: The Palestinian Policy Network has organised this online seminar featuring Omar Barghouti and Sandra Tamari
You can register here.
Two quick stories we spotted online:
1) US State Representative calls Israel "an apartheid run thuggery terrorist regime"
WASHINGTON, Tuesday, January 3, 2023 (WAFA) - Massachusetts State Representative Jamie Zahlaway Belsito strongly slammed Israel's policies against Palestinians, saying it's on a "mission to kill Palestinians," and steal their lands.
The politician, represents the 4th Essex district in the Massachusetts House of Representatives, took it to her official Twitter page to say that Israel "is an apartheid run thuggery terrorist regime," while calling on the US to acknowledge that.
"The US must acknowledge that the Israel administration is an apartheid run thuggery terrorist regime on a mission to kill Palestinians," she said.
"Killing and land taking has nothing to do with anti-semitism. It is genocide."
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
2) War criminal Benjamin Netanyahu
Featured story for this newsletter:
Attempts to Gag this ‘turbulent priest’ are Bound to Fail
Facebook shuts down Fr Manuel Musallam in a naked attempt to end the discussion on Jerusalem, Al-Aqsa
By Stuart Littlewood
January 13, 2023
So, Facebook, without warning, has suspended Fr Manuel Musallam’s account. Was it because he recently called on Christians in Jerusalem and across historic Palestine “to stand side-by-side along with Muslim brothers, defending Al-Aqsa Mosque from the Israeli aggression”?
Or because he said that “protecting Al-Aqsa Mosque means protecting the Church of Holy Sepulchre and the Church of Nativity, as well as the Islamic and Christian existence in Palestine”?
Fr Manuel retired in 2010 at the age of 71 after serving as parish priest of the Holy Family Church in Gaza for 14 years. For most of that time, the Israelis wouldn’t allow him to visit his own family and friends in the West Bank, a few miles away. So, in spite of failing health, he soldiered on through the devastating siege and the murderous blitzkrieg.
But retirement hasn’t silenced him or dimmed his perceptions. He’s been busier than ever in the Palestinian cause.
In 2010 I wrote a piece saying I was privileged to have met him and just loved the way the man speaks out, doesn’t mince words, and tells it the way it is, with truth and style. Back then, at Easter time he was concerned, as always, about the Occupation and how it robbed those in the Holy Land of Easter’s message of hope and joy.
“We Christians of Palestine have been under Occupation for many long years. We’ve been suffering with bitterness being kept away from the Holy Sites. We’ve been denied our right to worship in Jerusalem. Many Christian generations have never been able to reach Jerusalem to visit its holy places.
“The Occupation has been continuously imposing unlawful obstacles. This year, we are confronted by the Israeli Apartheid Separation Wall, checkpoints, and roadblocks guarded by Israeli soldiers denying us movement and access to Jerusalem.
“All these measures not only suffocate the Palestinian people but also asphyxiate peace in Israel and Palestine.”
He complained about how Palestinians were denied the freedom to worship as and where they pleased, even at Easter. In particular, they were prevented from going into Jerusalem. The Zionists claimed Palestine was ‘a land without a people for a people without a land’. “It does not mean that Jerusalem is without a people, but rather it should be evacuated to be handed over to another people. David Ben Gurion himself articulated the plan in 1937 when he declared: ‘We must expel Arabs and take their places.’
“Every stone built in the Apartheid Wall, every axe strike digging under the Al-Aqsa Mosque and every house destroyed by Israel will increase the intensity of resistance and resentfulness….” He warned of the relentless Zionist program to completely Judaise Jerusalem, alter its features, expel its people, destroy its houses, seize its land and build numerous settlements. “We lament Jerusalem, and miss its beautiful ceremonies.”
Easter symbolizes liberation from sin and slavery but hopes of national liberation were evaporating. The slavery and humiliation of occupation were felt more keenly than ever by Palestinian Christians.
“We do not foresee any political settlement, or an end to the occupation, or hope for the return of Palestinian refugees, or the forming of our state with Jerusalem as its capital, or the right to self-determination, or the liberation of thousands of prisoners, free access and movement, an end to Gaza siege, and the dismantling of the Apartheid Wall around Jerusalem.
“We are appalled by the continuous threats of more war. And we are distressed by the daily humiliation, hunger, thirst, unemployment, and the absence of sustainable development in our country.” The world’s silence was perplexing, he said, and the international community seemed unable to implement the resolutions it used to create the State of Israel. Events only led closer to the abyss.
‘Jerusalem is ours. It is not a disputed land’
He reminded us that Palestinians had been building and enhancing Jerusalem for 5000 years and never stopped… except during the Occupation, which had practically destroyed everything that was accomplished. Unable to find any traces of their own heritage, the Occupiers had annexed some of the Palestinians’ holy places. “Jerusalem was the city of God, peace, and prayer but has been converted into a city of man, war and hatred. Instead of becoming the key to the doors of heaven, it has become a key to war and blood.”
Jerusalem, the holiest place on earth, is now the focus of sin and crime, he says, because one man is killing another, insulting him and trampling his dignity and his right to live. “Jerusalem is ours. It is not a disputed land. We are not soliciting to share the legacy and heritage of Jerusalem with Israel or with anyone else.
“Jerusalem, instead of becoming the key to the doors of heaven, has become a key to war and blood.”
He didn’t accept the claim by Israeli leaders that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel and that building in it is no different from building in Tel Aviv. “Occupation is a sin and a form of terrorism, and when relying on the texts of the Torah to kill people or expel and remove them from their land it rises to the level of a crime against humanity. All perpetrators should be judged by the International Criminal Court before being judged by the just court of God.” And those who fail to condemn Israel become accomplices.
Supporters of Netanyahu’s remarks, and those who fail to condemn them, simply give Israel more time and excuses to intensify its crimes against the Palestinian people. Hence they become accomplices in a “sin against the nations”.
In his appeal to the world that Easter, he said: “Israel has devastated and tortured us in their many wars. We ask you to see the wounds of innocent Palestinian people and to be compassionate towards the Palestinian holocaust that you witness with your own eyes and touch with your own hands, and to know those who perpetrated this crime against our children. Search with us for justice that is the mother of peace. Protect us and safeguard our Holy Sites.”
‘Our love for God is in intensive care’
In 2008 Fr Manuel was with his Christian community during their darkest hour when Israel, with a nod from America and the EU, unleashed a deadly onslaught intended to finally crush the half-starved Gazans. At the height of the killing spree, Fr Manuel sent this message from the smoking ruins to anyone who would listen: “Our people in Gaza are treated like animals in a zoo.
They eat but remain hungry, they cry, but no one wipes their tears. There is no water, no electricity, no food, only fear, terror, and blockade… Our children are living in a state of trauma and fear. They are sick from it and for other reasons such as malnutrition, poverty, and the cold… The hospitals did not have basic first aid before the war and now thousands of wounded and sick are pouring in and they are performing operations in the corridors. The situation is frightening and sad.”
In exasperation, he added: “May Christ’s compassion revive our love for God even though it is currently in ‘intensive care’.”
What a man!
Wimpish churchmen and politicians in the West would wet their pants at the very thought of speaking plainly against Zionist lawlessness and cruelty the way Fr Manuel does, which is why the Holy Land is such an unholy mess. Their cowardice ensures that nothing changes for the better. Indeed, the situation gets progressively worse.
We badly need many more good and turbulent priests. They inspire. They might even succeed in goading the wobbly international community to action. Meanwhile, it seems God still has work for Fr Manuel, even in retirement.
The electronic copy of this story is here
Amnesty International Campaign – Free Ahmad Manasra
This message is from Amnesty International
Mōrena friends,
I last asked you to take action on behalf of Palestinian youth Ahmad Manasra on December 5, and I am now asking you to send a solidarity birthday card to him.
Ahmad was born on 22 January 2002. This year he will spend his 21st birthday in solitary confinement for the second year running. It will be the eighth time he spends the day in detention.
Ahmad is a Palestinian arrested in 2015 at the age of 13, who has developed serious psychiatric conditions while in prison, and who has been in solitary confinement since early November 2021. His mental health has deteriorated to the level of life-threatening risk.
Please write birthday greetings and other supportive messages to Ahmad ahead of his birthday
Please note: Palestinians celebrate birthdays with cakes, presents and candles, but images of champagne glasses clinking, for instance, would not be culturally appropriate because of the reference to alcohol.
Please send cards to:
Ahmad Manasra
Prisoner number 90230817
Eshel Prison
PO Box 59
Postcode 84889
Fax: +972-(0)8-9193020
More information
Israel’s brutal oppression in the occupied West Bank by the numbers in 2022
Important stories from the Web
New Israeli government will finally produce a crisis in US Jewish community here
Israeli occupation prepares to forcibly evict Masafer Yatta’s Palestinian residents here
Ranjan Solomon: Make BDS Happen here
Nakba Day: How the United Nations is correcting an historical wrong here
US state representative calls Israel “an apartheid run thuggery terrorist regime” here
Ben-Gvir bans the Palestinian flag here
231 Palestinians were killed this year (2022) – these are their stories here
How Netanyahu handed Ben-Gvir the gun to start the annexation war here
What 2022 taught Palestinians here
Israeli ambassadors compare Israel and South Africa here
16-year-old Amer Abu Zaytoun fourth Palestinian killed by Israeli army this week here
Israel imposes sanctions on Palestinian Authority here
Leslie Bravery: “Where to from here?” here
Decoding Israeli extremism here
Israeli forces demolish homes of five Palestinian families in South Hebron Hills here
Amnesty International: Israeli bans on Palestinian flag the latest attempt to silence Palestinians and reduce their visibility here
New York Stock Exchange encourages investment in Israeli occupation here
Israeli rabbi calls for boycott and divestment from Israel here
Israel imposes sanctions on Palestinian Authority here
Where to from here in the Middle East here
Decoding Israeli extremism here
Richard Falk: Harvard University succumbs here
Jewish supremacy is state policy says Netanyahu here
John Minto: New Zealand must reassess our policy on the Middle East here
Israeli forces kill two Palestinians in occupied West Bank here
Seeking justice in the name of hate in defense of BDS here
Israeli forces and settlers kill five Palestinians in West Bank here
T-Shirts from Mondoweiss
PSNA National Chair John Minto models this great T-shirt from Mondoweiss. We have 3 others – one in M size and 2 in XL size. If you’d like one please email – $70 which includes postage. They are expensive coming from the US – we will get them printed here if there is enough demand.
Reminder: Dates for Palestine Solidarity in 2023
Israel apartheid week has been added to the dates for likely local and national Palestine solidarity activity this year.
28 Mar – 4 Apr Israel Apartheid Week
30 Mar Land Day Palestine
5 Apr Palestinian Childs Day
9 Apr Deir Yassin massacre - Irgun Terrorism - 107-120 Palestinian men, women and children massacred
17 Apr Palestinian Prisoners Day
11 May World Kufiya Day
15 May Nakba Day – marking the mass ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from Palestine in 1948
5 Jun Nakba Day - Start of 1967 War - Land Grab – Invasion of Jerusalem, West Bank, Gaza, Egypt and Syria - 5 June 1967 – 10 June 1967
20 Jun Attack on Gaza - 6–21 May 2021 (2 weeks and 1 day)
16-18 Sep 40th anniversary of the Sabra and Shatila massacres
28 Sep Second Intifada - 28 Sept 2000 – 8 Feb 2005
2 Nov Balfour Declaration
29 Nov United Nations - International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People
8 Dec First Intifada - 8 Dec 1987 – 13 Sept 1993
Are you able to donate a cup of coffee a month to the campaign?
We will need some serious money to make our campaign as effective as possible. For example, we will need somewhere in the vicinity of $25,000 to bring speakers to New Zealand over the next year and organise large public meetings to help spread the message.
You can help. Are you able to donate a cup of coffee a month to the campaign? In other words, can you afford to make an automatic payment of $5 per month to support the Palestinian struggle? (If you can afford more that would be great!)
Our account details are:
Account name: Palestine Solidarity Network
Account number: 38-9015-0849542-00
We are happy to provide a receipt upon request (however, we are not a registered charity so this is not tax-deductible)
In Occupied Palestine daily newsletter – an invitation to subscribe from Leslie Bravery
Because of mainstream news media complicity, daily headlines and commentary only occasionally ever mention the relentless Israeli violence in Palestine, not even the frequent air strikes!
However, daily news and statistics regarding the violence Palestinians are forced to live under are regularly reported on in the “In Occupied Palestine daily newsletter”, sourced and compiled for easy reading and correlation chiefly from the Palestinian Monitoring Group's daily situation reports.
The In Occupied Palestine daily newsletter continues to be circulated, by email, worldwide to subscribers only, as it has been over the last two decades.
Please contact if you also wish to become a subscriber.
Merchandise for sale
We have Merchandise you can buy including T-shirts from our website.
Go here -
More ways you can get involved
Forward this Newsletter – If you know people who may be interested in this movement, please forward this Newsletter to them.
Join in local activities in your area monthly Rallies - In Auckland at 2.00 pm on the first Saturday of every month. Please consider doing the same in your community. Contact if you would like to know where and how to get Flags and Banners
Help set up a Students for Justice in Palestine groups on your campus
Tell Your MP your opinions on Divestment and Sanctions of Israel.
Write Letters to Newspapers – Call Talkback Radio
Keep in touch with the campaign on social media
o NZ Palestine Solidarity Network website:
o NZ Palestine Solidarity Network Facebook:
o NZ Palestine Solidarity Network email:
The Palestine Human Rights Campaign produces the In Occupied Palestine newsletter. It is a regular daily newsletter on the daily situation in Palestine, compiled by Leslie Bravery and emailed to subscribers. If you would also like to become a subscriber, please contact Leslie at “lesliebravery @ icloud .com” (remove the spaces to use as an email address) for further information.
Keep Updated on our Facebook pages and websites (listed below)
Human rights for Uyghur refugees - In line with our support for human rights for the people of Palestine we have added our name to the petition in support of human rights for Uyghur refugees so they can be included in the government’s refugee quota. PSNA members who wish to also sign this petition can do so here -
PSNA Groups
PSNA National Committee
Chair - John Minto:
Secretary - Neil Scott:
Regional Groups
Bay of Islands PSN Bay of Islands (Email)
Whangarei PSN Whangarei (Facebook)
Auckland PSN Auckland – Tamaki Makaurau (Website)
Hamilton Palestine Human Rights Campaign Waikato (Facebook)
Tauranga Tauranga Moana 4 Palestine (Facebook)
Napier/Hastings Aotearoa Standing with Palestine (Facebook)
Palmerston North PSN Palmerston North (Email)
New Plymouth PSN Taranaki (Facebook)
Wellington PSN Wellington (Email)
Nelson Te Tau Ihu (Nelson) Palestine (Facebook)
Christchurch PSN Christchurch (Facebook)
Dunedin Dunedin for Justice in Palestine (Facebook)
Invercargill PSNA Invercargill (Email)