PSNA Newsletter No 142 - June 25 2024

 25 Pipiri 2024
25 June 2024

Newsletter No 142

Kia ora koutou,

Will Christopher Luxon and Winston Peters face justice at the International Criminal Court?

Last week Palestine Solidarity Network Aotearoa sent the government a “letter of demand” over its complicity with Israel’s genocidal war in Gaza.

With this letter we are signalling our intention to pursue legal accountability for the government, and key government ministers, for their roles in failing to uphold New Zealand’s legal responsibilities under the Genocide Convention which requires the government to take action to “prevent and punish the crime of genocide”.

We are asking individuals and organisations to endorse the letter. The letter, with more detail on the background to it, can be viewed here:

Send the link to family and friends and encourage them to endorse the letter!

All out for Gaza – this Thursday in Wellington

Aotearoa Caravan for a Free Palestine – almost there!

As most of you will know by now, the Aotearoa Caravan for a Free Palestine has been travelling down through the North Island for the last few days. Two families from Hokianga have been at the core of the Caravan for the whole journey with others joining them at different locations en route. The aim of the Caravan is to raise awareness of the situation for Palestinians, to make supportive connections on the journey, to add to the pressure on our Government to take meaningful action and to build momentum for the National Rally in Wellington on 27th June. Passing through small towns where Palestine supporters could feel isolated seems particularly important.

Why caravan?

We thought long and hard about what to call this kaupapa. A ‘caravan’ in this context is defined as ‘a group of people or animals travelling together on a long journey’ and we thought that fitted best. The word caravan not only describes the group of people travelling but also harks back to Palestine’s vibrant history as a major centre for trade routes and evokes notions of solidarity and supporting each other as the journey progresses.

The journey so far

Day 1 Cape Reinga to Kaitaia to Whangārei (Friday 21st)

A fabulous start with a Dawn Ceremony and Karakia, lots of vehicles driving south from the Cape. A warm welcome from Tangata Whenua in Kaitaia, the honour of being the first rally in the newly opened Kaitaia Town Square, great kai and kōrero and then the drive to Whangārei with detours through Mangonui and Keri Keri to wave at locals there. A beautiful welcome from the Whangārei PSN group with more amazing kai and kōrero and great accomodation.


Day 2 Whangārei to Auckland (Saturday 22nd)

We joined the Whangārei group for their rally. What a buzz! Great speakers, songs and a wonderful vibe but a great depth of feeling, both anger and sadness, for what is continuing to happen in Palestine.

A large group had travelled down from Hokianga and here we parted from the Caravan as the core families headed south to Auckland and we headed home. The caravan was welcomed to Auckland for a shared meal with locals and more connections were made.


Day 3 Auckland to Hamilton (Sunday 23rd)

An impressive convoy with flags flying drove into and around the City, then there was the large Auckland rally with powerful speeches. More kōrero, more support  and then on to Hamilton for the night.


Day 4 Hamilton to Cambridge to Taupō (Monday 24th)

Another amazing day with lovely welcomes in both Hamilton and Cambridge. We convoyed through the city and to Cambridge for lunch. The core group were on their own rom Tokoroa and made it to Taupō in good time to be welcomed to Taupō Islamic Centre and Mosque. The cosy accommodation paid for by koha received on the way was much appreciated.


Day 5 Taupō to Ōtaki (Tuesday 25th)

As I write this the Caravan are preparing to gather in Taupō by the Lakefront this morning Then they’ll drive to Ōtaki for dinner and a social evening with friends and locals.


The love, appreciation and support that has been received at every place the caravan has stopped has been amazing. We've been given so much Koha in many ways.

At each stop the Caravan has engaged with people to write the names of children killed in Gaza onto olive leaves to be taken to Parliament in a woven basket. This quiet space creates a different kind of connection with the horror of what is happening in Gaza.


What next?

There is still time to get involved and join with the Caravan.


Day 6 Levin to Wellington / Lower Hutt (Wednesday 26th)

The Caravan will be in Levin on Wednesday 26th. This will be a big day for the Caravan as they will be joined by others for the drive south. There’ll be a gathering from 11 until 1 in the Adventure Park in Levin – a chance to catch up with each other and to connect with locals. Then the drive south in convoy with flags flying. Convoying really does attract attention and it feels great to be moving together. The Caravan are staying in Lower Hutt, hence the destination for this day, some who join for the day will be heading into Wellington.


Day 7 Lower Hutt to Wellington

The last opportunity to drive with the caravan before the National All Out For Gaza rally at 11am. They will gather at 8.45 am at the Lower Hutt Indoor Sports Centre Car Park at 93 Hutt Park Road to drive into the city in convoy with flags flying from around 9am to get into the City in good time to get parked and ready for the rally at 11am at Parliament Lawn.


Our facebook page is called Aotearoa Caravan for a Free Palestine Please like this page to follow it and feel free to message us there if needed or email


South Island Caravan

Three cars left Bluff in the weekend at the start of the South Island Conoy to Wellington. The convoy will leave Christchurch at 8am on Wednesday to get the ferry to Wellington later in the day.

Here are the details of the last two days of the caravan. We hope lots of Wellington people will be able to join the final leg from Lower Hutt into the city on Thursday morning.

Rallies, marches, vigils and protests around the motu this weekend

To view events around Aotearoa:

  • Go to the PSNA Homepage –

  • Scroll down to the button “For a list of events Nationwide, please click here - Check back often for updates”

  • Click the button

  • Check back on Friday for any moves, adds or changes


Events list

North Island

The Aotearoa Caravan for a Free Palestine

In support of the Palestinian driven rally in Wellington on Thursday June 27.

Friday June 21 to Thursday June 27

Go to the Facebook page for times and updates


Opononi – Gathering for Palestine

Sunday June 30

1:30 pm

Outside the Four Square, Opononi



First Saturday of the month

Next Saturday – Mark your diary


Whangarei – Rally

Saturday 29 June

No Rally this weekend 


Auckland Picket

Friday 28 June

No picket this week – Matariki public holiday


Waiheke Island – Auckland

Every Saturday

8:00 am – 1:00 pm

Ostend Market, Waiheke Island


Auckland –Banners around Tamaki Makaurau

Saturday 29 June

10:00 – 1:00 pm

Northcote Bridge

Text Steve for details (dependent on wind speeds)


Auckland – Rally

Sunday 30 June

2:00 pm

Te Komititanga – Britomart Square


Tauranga – Rally

Sunday 30th June

11:00 am -12: 00 noon

Coronation Park, Mt Maunganui


Hamilton – Rally

Saturday 29 June

1:00 pm

Civic Square, Hamilton


Cambridge Rally

Saturday June 29

11:00 am

Cambridge Town Hall


Rotorua - Rally

Thursday 27 June

4:00 pm

Rotorua Lakes Council, Haupapa Street (Sir Howard Morrison Corner)


Napier - Rally

Saturday 29 June

11:30 am

Marine Parade Soundshell Roundabout


Hastings - Rally

Sunday 30 June

2:00 pm

Hastings Town Clock – Hastings CBD


Palmerston North - Rally

Sunday June 30

2:00 pm

The Square, Palmerston North


New Plymouth – Flags on the Bridge

Friday 28 May

Check the local Facebook page to see if this is on this week.


New Plymouth – Rally

Saturday 29 June

1:00 pm

The Landing, 1 Ariki Street, New Plymouth


Whanganui - Rally

Saturday 29 June

11:00 am

Riverside Market, Whanganui



Every Tuesday

12:00 midday

Memorial Square.


Martinborough – Gathering for Palestine

Every Wednesday

11:00 am

The square at the top of Kitchener St, Martinborough



Every Sunday

9:30 am

Town Hall Lawn



Every Saturday

11:00 am

The Squircle (opposite the op shop).


Wellington – Flags (by the Falastin Tea Collective)

Every Friday

7:15 – 8:15 am

Hill Street bridge Overbridge, Wellington


Wellington – Rally (by the Falastin Tea Collective)

Saturday 29 June

1:00 pm

The waterfront next to diving platform and Te Papa

Saturday is in a different location each week

Please see Instagram account @falastin_tea_collective for updates.


Wellington – National Rally for Palestine

Organised by the Palestinian community

Thursday 27 June

11:00 am

Steps of Parliament

Rally and March



South Island

Nelson – Rally

Saturday 29 June

10:30 am

1903 Square, Upper Trafalgar Street, Nelson



Saturday 29 June

11:00 am

Blenheim Railway Station


Christchurch – Rally

Saturday 29 June

1:00 pm

Hagley Park - (Corner of Deans Ave and Riccarton Road)


Timaru – Market Stall

No scheduled event this coming week.
Next event will be Saturday 6th July


Dunedin - Rally

Saturday 29 June

1:00 pm

Otago Museum Reserve to the Octagon, Dunedin


No Rally this weekend


Invercargill - Rally

Sunday 29 June

1:00 pm

Wachner place Invercargill

Government quiet on New Zealand military training with the genocidal Israeli Defence Forces in RIMPAC 2024

Read PSNA’s media release on RIMPAC here and the statement from the Palestinian-led BDS movement here

Facts Speaking for themselves - A new resource

Whangarei mayor refuses ceasefire/humanitarian aid motion

Whangarei District Council Mayor Vince Cocurullo


Thursday 19th June 2024

Whangārei District Mayor shuts down councillors’ motion to call for a ceasefire in Gaza


Wednesday 19th June, the Whangārei District Mayor overrode a council motion that was to be tabled at the full council meeting on the 27th June. The motion was put forth by five of the thirteen Whangārei District councilors, and addresses a ceasefire and humanitarian aid to be allowed into Gaza.

The same day, a local petition with 1075 signatures was presented to the Whangārei District Council by the Palestinian Solidarity Network Whangārei (PSNW). The petitions were collected over just 13 days and were also accompanied by 18 letters of support from local businesses, faith groups and community groups. The petition expressed support for the motion and called for it to be adopted by council.

The Palestine Solidarity Network Whangārei (PSNW), and other local residents say they strongly reject the Mayor's actions and are concerned about the power to stop debate over an issue felt deeply by the people of Whangārei.

PSNW spokesperson Tim Howard says “This seems an affront to the democratic process. Over 1000 individual signatories have signed a petition supporting this motion asking for Council to be the voice of the community when speaking to central Government on this issue.”

The motion that had been signaled called for Council to urge Central Government: to more strongly show their support and call for peace in Palestine and Israel; to call for an immediate permanent ceasefire in Gaza; to call for immediate international humanitarian aid to be allowed into Gaza; to condemn all acts of violence and terror against civilians on both sides of the war in Gaza; and to call for the immediate return of all hostages, Israeli and Palestinian.

Other local bodies throughout Australia, the US and Aotearoa have already passed similar motions including the Far North District Council, Whanganui District Council, Waiheke Community Board and Environment Canterbury.

The Mayor justifies blocking this motion, using the Local Government Act as reasoning, and inferring that Councils can only address local matters.

Tim Howard says “It is the PSNW’s understanding that the choice to allow debate on issues such as this, actually lies in the discretion of the Mayor.  We also understand that this decision is in fact in opposition to the main purposes of Local Government Act 2022; (a) to enable democratic local decision-making and action by, and on behalf of, communities; and (b) to promote the social, economic, environmental, and cultural well-being of communities in the present and for the future”.

PSNW is concerned about the community impact, and the messages it sends to the nation about our community. The cultural and social wellbeing of Palestinian members of the Whangarei community is an aspect for which Council is responsible.

PSNW also circulated letters to the Councillors referring to the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act and the observance of human rights and the condemnation of acts which breach those rights, namely acts of violence and terror against civilians, as an important pillar of our democracy, enshrined in the Act.

PSNW member Clare Maguire says: “Ordinary citizens are outraged that over 37,000 Palestinians in Gaza have been killed over the past eight months, including some 8,000 children. Two thirds of these casualties are women and children, and the vast majority are non-combatants. Our people are really angry about that, and wish to see stronger actions from our Government towards ending this war”

Despite the Mayor's actions, the Palestine Solidarity Network Whangārei will continue to raise public awareness and support for Palestine saying:

“We condemn this undemocratic move by the Mayor, and look for stronger, multilateral approaches to democracy. Many of us feel the people of Whangārei deserve the opportunity for this motion to be heard, and the people of Palestine deserve more support out of our common humanity.”

If you would like to protest directly to the Mayor of Whangarei then email or phone 021 438 952

Death of a warrior for Palestine

We were greatly saddened at the death this week of Keith Locke. Keith was best known as a former Green Party MP but he lived a lifetime of activism on a wide range of social justice and human rights issues. The struggle for Palestinian human rights was always one of his passions.

Keith was well-informed, principled and courageous in his politics and gentle, friendly and personable to those who knew him. He will be deeply missed by all those who had the privilege to work with him.

We salute Keith for his unwavering activism and lifetime of active support for the Palestinian struggle for human rights.

Haere rā e hoa, haere, haere, haere.

Keith’s death notice in the New Zealand Herald underlined his and his family’s lifetime of support for the Palestinian struggle. If you would like to honour Keith’s life with a donation to PSNA we would welcome the contribution to help Keith’s political support for Palestine continue after his death.

Account name:        Palestine Solidarity Network
Account number:    38-9015-0849542-00

Julie Webb-Pullman at Tribunals Watch

Julie Webb-Pullman from Aotearoa attended a Tribunals Watch hearing in Geneva from 6-8 June in Geneva, opened by Richard Falk and Haytham Manna.

More details of the hearing are on the Tribunal Watch website here and Julie’s presentation on behalf of the Gaza Centre for Human Rights is here.

Some pics from the last week

Breakfast before the caravan departs Cape Reinga

Getting ready to go…

And off on the road…

Nelson in the rain – it deterred Destiny Church but not the hardy locals! (Photo Paul Brennan)

Nelson again (Photo Paul Brennan)

Looking out for government MPs

“Pitiful in the face of genocide” – yes that’s our government. It still hasn’t even reached first base in responding to the industrial scale slaughter of Palestinians in Gaza. First base would be to condemn Israel and call for an immediate permanent ceasefire.

We need to challenge government MPs in National, New Zealand First and Act.

If you come across information with details of where any of these MPs will be for speaking or have meeting engagements then please contact us urgently so we can organise to protest and challenge them.

Email or text 027 4 APARTHEID or 027427278.

Ban Israel from the 2024 Paris Olympics 

We reported last week on the MLN letter to the International Olympic Committee. Since then the letter has been published

On Mondoweiss: 

and Middle East Monitor:

Please sign this petition to call for the ban of Israel’s sports teams from international competition and share this poster on social media

The doctor’s wife – film screening

The ethnic cleansing of Palestine by Ilan Pappe

A reader tells us this book can be obtained on electronic copy at no cost here  Printed copies are available from The Nile, $26.10 + shipping from here.

There is also a 15-page article from Ilan Pappe based on the book and that is available here

Freedom Flotilla to Gaza ready to go from Türkiye but held up by Israeli pressure on supporting countries

Gaza Aid flotilla, due for launch last week has been delayed by ‘Israeli tactics’ here

Keep up to date with developments here

Remember BDS for Aotearoa New Zealand

Remember our big six BDS targets for Aotearoa New Zealand?

  • Obela Hummus

  • Ahava skin care products

  • Sodastream

  • HP (Hewlett-Packard)

  • BP and Caltex

  • McDonalds

Find more details here.

Watch out for this man promoting racism and apartheid

Here he is – the Israeli ambassador – watch out for him around Aotearoa New Zealand – if you hear of any planned appearances or speaking engagements please contact us urgently: Email or text 027 4 APARTHEID or 027427278.

Israeli ambassador Ran Yaakoby

Important stories from the Web

Editor’s picks

  • PSNA puts New Zealand government on notice over breaches of genocide convention claim here

  • Gaza genocide complicity: 27 nations join genocidal apartheid Israel and the US in RIMPAC naval exercises here

  • Israel’s Gaza attacks continue despite ‘tactical pauses’ claim UNRWA chief says here

  • Israeli occupation forces raid Jenin destroying cars, roads and markets here

  • Israeli settlers in brutal attack on Palestinian shepherds in occupied West Bank here

  • Israeli forces kill another journalist in Gaza, bringing death toll to 151 since 7 October here

  • Norway increases funding for UNRWA as refugee agency in ‘difficult’ financial position here

  • No joy: Gazans mark sombre Eid in shadow of Israeli onslaught here

  • British far-right and pro-Israel activists are fighting the Palestinian movement together here

  • Boycott background: Can consumer activism shape a marketplace here

  • The kibbutzniks blocking humanitarian aid here

  • Gaza medical officer: 36 Palestinian prisoners tortured to death in Israeli jails since 7 October here


Other stories

  • Victoria signed MOU with Israeli defence ministry to share ‘opportunities’ from ‘global tensions’ here

  • Israel’s arms exports hit record on $13 billion in 2023 amid Gaza genocide here

  • Justifying slaughter: How the cult of messianic Zionism conquered the west here

  • No way out in Nuseirat the great hostage rescue massacre here

  • Frydenberg joins push to Zionise Australia’s universities here

  • World Bank warns that Palestinian economy on verge of collapse in the wake of Gaza war here

  • Israeli army burns down Rafah crossing’s departure hall here

  • Netanyahu dissolves inner war cabinet following Gantz departure here

  • Is the US lying about Hamas blocking Israel peace deal in Gaza here

  • Israel holding 9,300 Palestinians in prisons, detention centres here

  • Former MP invokes Hitler in call to expel Gaza’s ‘Islamo-Nazi’ population here

  • Israel says its arms exports hit record sales amid war on Gaza here

  • NZ to provide another $5 million to World Food Programme, UNICEF for Gaza here

  • The death of American exceptionalism here

  • Armenia recognises state of Palestine here

  • Israel grants Smotrich and settlers sweeping powers in occupied West Bank here

  • Casualties in Israeli strikes on Gaza homes, gatherings here

  • Israeli forces step up attacks across Gaza here

  • Why has Australian parliament failed to debate the tragedy of Gaza? here

  • Intense heat in Gaza could worsen health crisis for Palestinians, WHO warns here

  • Senior US State Department official and expert on Israel-Palestine resigns amid Gaza war here

  • Israeli official describes secret government bid to cement control of occupied West Bank – New York Times reports here

Reminder: Dates for Palestine Solidarity during the year

Israel apartheid week has been added to the dates for likely local and national Palestine solidarity activity this year.

28 Mar – 4 Apr        Israel Apartheid Week

30 Mar                      Land Day Palestine

5 Apr                         Palestinian Childs Day

9 Apr                         Deir Yassin massacre - Irgun Terrorism - 107-120 Palestinian men, women and children massacred

17 Apr                        Palestinian Prisoners Day

11 May                      World Kufiya Day

15 May                      Nakba Day – marking the mass ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from Palestine in 1948

5 Jun                         Nakba Day - Start of 1967 War - Land Grab – Invasion of Jerusalem, West Bank, Gaza, Egypt and Syria - 5 June 1967 – 10 June 1967

20 Jun                     Attack on Gaza - 6–21 May 2021 (2 weeks and 1 day)

16-18 Sep                40th anniversary of the Sabra and Shatila massacres

28 Sep                     Second Intifada - 28 Sept 2000 – 8 Feb 2005

2 Nov                      Balfour Declaration

29 Nov                   United Nations - International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People

8 Dec                      First Intifada - 8 Dec 1987 – 13 Sept 1993

Are you able to donate a cup of coffee a month to the campaign?

We will need some serious money to make our campaign as effective as possible. For example, we will need somewhere in the vicinity of $25,000 to bring speakers to New Zealand over the next year and organise large public meetings to help spread the message.

You can help. Are you able to donate a cup of coffee a month to the campaign? In other words, can you afford to make an automatic payment of $5 per month to support the Palestinian struggle? (If you can afford more that would be great!)

Our account details are:

  • Account name: Palestine Solidarity Network

  • Account number: 38-9015-0849542-00

We are happy to provide a receipt upon request (however, we are not a registered charity so this is not tax-deductible)

In Occupied Palestine daily newsletter – an invitation to subscribe from Leslie Bravery

Because of mainstream news media complicity, daily headlines and commentary only occasionally ever mention the relentless Israeli violence in Palestine, not even the frequent air strikes!

However, daily news and statistics regarding the violence Palestinians are forced to live under are regularly reported on in the “In Occupied Palestine daily newsletter”, sourced and compiled for easy reading and correlation chiefly from the Palestinian Monitoring Group's daily situation reports.

The In Occupied Palestine daily newsletter continues to be circulated, by email, worldwide to subscribers only, as it has been over the last two decades.

Please contact if you also wish to become a subscriber.

Merchandise for sale

We have Merchandise you can buy including T-shirts from our website.

More ways you can get involved

  • Forward this Newsletter – If you know people who may be interested in this movement, please forward this Newsletter to them.

  • Join in local activities in your area monthly Rallies - In Auckland at 2.00 pm on the first Saturday of every month. Please consider doing the same in your community. Contact if you would like to know where and how to get Flags and Banners

  • Help set up a Students for Justice in Palestine groups on your campus

  • Tell Your MP your opinions on Divestment and Sanctions of Israel.

  • Write Letters to Newspapers – Call Talkback Radio

  • Keep in touch with the campaign on social media

o        NZ Palestine Solidarity Network website:

o        NZ Palestine Solidarity Network Facebook:

o        NZ Palestine Solidarity Network email:

  •  The Palestine Human Rights Campaign produces the In Occupied Palestine newsletter. It is a regular daily newsletter on the daily situation in Palestine, compiled by Leslie Bravery and emailed to subscribers. If you would also like to become a subscriber, please contact Leslie at “lesliebravery @ icloud .com” (remove the spaces to use as an email address) for further information.

  •  Keep Updated on our Facebook pages and websites (listed below)

  • Human rights for Uyghur refugees - In line with our support for human rights for the people of Palestine we have added our name to the petition in support of human rights for Uyghur refugees so they can be included in the government’s refugee quota. PSNA members who wish to also sign this petition can do so here -

PSNA Groups

PSNA National Committee

Chair - John Minto:
Secretary - Neil Scott:

Regional Groups

Bay of Islands PSN Bay of Islands (Email)
Whangarei PSN Whangarei (Facebook)
Auckland PSN Auckland – Tamaki Makaurau (Website)
Hamilton Palestine Human Rights Campaign Waikato (Facebook)
Tauranga Tauranga Moana 4 Palestine (Facebook)
Napier/Hastings Aotearoa Standing with Palestine (Facebook)
Palmerston North PSN Palmerston North (Email)
New Plymouth PSN Taranaki (Facebook)
Wellington PSN Wellington (Email)
Nelson Te Tau Ihu (Nelson) Palestine (Facebook)
Christchurch PSN Christchurch (Facebook)
Dunedin Dunedin for Justice in Palestine (Facebook)
Invercargill PSNA Invercargill (Email)