In Occupied Palestine - 31 January 2023
While the Occupation is business as usual for Israel,
there should be no business with Israel
In Occupied Palestine
Zionism in practice
Israel’s Daily Toll on Palestinian Life, Limb, Liberty and Land
(Compiled by Leslie Bravery, Palestine Human Rights Campaign, Auckland, New Zealand)
31 January 2023 {Main source of statistics: Palestinian Monitoring Group (PMG): NB:The period covered by this newsletter is taken from the PMG's 24-hour sitrep ending 8am the day after the above date.} We shall always do our best to verify the accuracy of all items in these IOP newsletters/reports wherever possible [e.g. we often suspect that names of people and places that we see in the PMG sitreps could be typos; also the translation into English seems rather odd ~ but since we, sadly, do not speak Arabic, we have no alternative but to copy and paste these names from the PMG sitreps!] – please forgive us for any errors or omissions – Leslie and Marian.
Israeli Army population-control
and robbery
Another home destroyed
Occupation settler armed violence
in village school
Occupation settler pastoral sabotage
and animal cruelty
Night peace disruption in
3 towns and villages
1 attack – 1 wounded
8 raids including home invasions
2 acts of
agricultural/pastoral sabotage
15 taken prisoner
Home invasions: 07:40, al-Walaja.
Peace disruption raids: 10:50-13:55, Deir Abu Masha'al - 13:30, Shuqba - 16:00, al-Bireh - 04:35, Bruqin - 17:15, Aqab - 21:30, al-Labban - 23:00, Jericho.
Palestinian missile attacks: none.
Israeli settler attack – 1 wounded: Ramallah – 20:55, an armed Israeli from the Shilo Occupation settlement, at the nearby road junction north of Turmusaya, shot, wounded and hospitalised one man: Adham Ahmed Mohammed Abu Kafinah,
Home invasion: Bethlehem – 07:40, the Israeli Occupation demolished a home in the village of al-Walaja.
Israeli police and settlers' mosque violation: Jerusalem – 08:00, settler militants, escorted by Israeli police, invaded the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound and molested worshippers.
Israeli Army assault with stun grenades and tear gas canisters: Jerusalem – 11:30 and again at 19:00, in the Jabal al-Mukabir neighbourhood.
Israeli Army population-control, interference and robbery: Jenin – Israeli Occupation forces seized heavy construction equipment belonging to the Anin Village Council and imposed a heavy fine on it, as punishment for developing a sewerage plant, east of the village.
Israeli Army destruction and population-control: Bethlehem – morning, the Israeli Occupation destroyed a house under construction, north of Beit Jallah.
Israeli Army population-control and interference: Hebron – 10:45, Israeli Occupation forces prevented Dura Municipality crews from working on public facility maintenance, west of the town of Dura, and seized working motor vehicles.
Occupation settler armed violence in village school: Nablus – 09:20, an armed Israeli settler drove his vehicle into the Huwara Secondary School for Boys and tried to terrorise students. Teaching staff, however, managed to overpower and eject him from the school.
Occupation settler stoning: Nablus – 23:10, at the Awarta checkpoint, Israeli settlers stoned and damaged a vehicle.
Occupation settler pastoral sabotage and animal cruelty: Bethlehem – evening, Israelis, from the Ebi Hanahel Occupation settlement outpost, fired stun grenades and tear gas canisters towards a shepherd near the village of Kisan, injuring a number of sheep to an extent that some had to be euthanised.
Occupation settler land-grab: Hebron – 15:25, Israelis, from the Mitzpe Yair Occupation settlement, assaulted local cave-dwellers in the Khirbet al-Lawza area and set up an outpost in the Zuweira area.
Occupation settler agricultural sabotage: Hebron – Israelis, from the Susiya Occupation settlement, raided agricultural land, east of the Yatta, and cut branches off a number of olive trees.
Occupation road casualties: Jenin – 14:40, in Ya'bad, an Israeli motorist, from the Mevo Dotan Occupation settlement, ran his vehicle over and hospitalised a man: Hassan Ibrahim Hamdouni.
Raid: Ramallah – 10:50-13:55, Israeli Occupation forces raided and patrolled Deir Abu Masha'al.
Raid: Ramallah – 13:30, Israeli forces raided and patrolled the village of Shuqba.
Raid: Ramallah – 16:00, the Israeli Army raided and patrolled al-Bireh.
Raid – 2 taken prisoner: Jenin – 04:35, Israeli troops raided Bruqin, taking prisoner two people.
Raid – surveillance: Tubas – 17:15, the Israeli military raided the village of Aqab and photographed a number of buildings.
Raid: Nablus – 21:30, Israeli soldiers invaded al-Labban and raided shops.
Raid: Jericho – 23:00, Israeli Occupation forces raided and patrolled Jericho.
Restrictions of movement (27): 10:00, entrance to al-Eizariya - 21:00, al-Mahkama checkpoint closed – 12:05 and again at 20:20, entrance to the village of Deir Abu Masha'al: one person taken prisoner - 12:25, Wadi al-Delb road junction, near the village of Ras Karkar - 17:30 and again at 07:25, at entrance to the village of al-Nabi Saleh - 21:00, entrance to Atara - 21:20, entrance to Sinjil - 21:00, entrances to Turmusaya, Sinjil, Atara, and the Oyoun al-Haramiya area road junction - 15:30-16:40, Araba road junction: three people taken prisoner - 13:40, tightened procedures at the Einav checkpoint - 13:15-14:50, Bizzariya village road junction - 21:00-23:35, Huwara checkpoint closed - 15:25, Asira road junction - 16:50, near entrance to the evacuated Homesh settlement - 21:00-23:35, Za'tara Junction checkpoint closed - 16:00, all entrances to the city of Jericho - 16:15-17:30, Aqbat Hasna area - 16:15, western entrance to the village of Husan closed - 09:10, Qalqas village roundabout - 17:40, Tawas village road junction - evening, Occupation forces set up two checkpoints at the intersections of Zif village and al-Fawar refugee camp.
Numbers relating to other people reportedly taken prisoner:
Jerusalem 5, Ramallah 2, Nablus 1, Hebron 1
[NB: Times indicated in Bold Type contribute to the sleep deprivation suffered by Palestinian children]
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