In Occupied Palestine - 10 August 2023

While the Occupation is business as usual for Israel,

there should be no business with Israel

In Occupied Palestine

Zionism in practice

Israel’s Daily Toll on Palestinian Life, Limb, Liberty and Land

(Compiled by Leslie Bravery, Palestine Human Rights Campaign, Auckland, New Zealand)

10 August 2023 {Main source of statistics: Palestinian Monitoring Group (PMG): NB:The period covered by this newsletter is taken from the PMG's 24-hour sitrep ending 8am the day after the above date.}

We shall always do our best to verify the accuracy of all items in these IOP newsletters/reports wherever possible [e.g. we often suspect that names of people and places that we see in the PMG sitreps could be typos; also the translation into English seems rather odd ~ but since we, sadly, do not speak Arabic, we have no alternative but to copy and paste these names from the PMG sitreps!] – please forgive us for any errors or omissions – Leslie and Marian.


Israeli Navy opens fire on

Palestinian fishing boats


Home invasions –

1 resident killed, 8 wounded


Israeli Army land-grab

to serve settlement outpost


Settler violence –

beatings and hospitalisations


3 attacks –

1 Israeli Gaza ceasefire violation


18 raids including home invasions


3 beatings – 3 injured


1 killed – 9 wounded –

6 taken prisoner


Economic sabotage


Home invasions: dawn, Tulkarem refugee camp - Beit Hanina - 09:40, Jalboun.

Peace disruption raids: 16:50, Zababdeh - 16:50, Araba - 16:50, Kafr Rai - 16:50, Zububa - 16:50, Rumana - 17:05, al-Yamoun - 17:05, Silat al-Harithiya - 17:05, Burqin - 17:05, al-Jalama - 17:05, Muthalath al-Shuhada - 15:20, Qalqiliya - 17:15, Marda - 17:15, Haris - 15:20, Aida refugee camp - 14:30, Hebron.

Palestinian missile attacks: none.

Ceasefire violation – Israeli Navy attack – economic sabotage: Northern Gaza – morning, the Israeli Navy opened fire on, and pursued, Palestinian fishing boats off al-Sudaniya as well as using water cannon against them, seriously damaging one vessel's engine.

Israeli Army attack and home invasions – 1 resident killed, 8 wounded: Tulkarem – dawn, raiding Israeli Occupation forces, firing live ammunition, rubber-coated bullets, stun grenades and tear gas canisters, invaded and searched homes in the Tulkarem refugee camp, killing one resident, 23-year-old Mahmoud Jihad Jarad, and wounding eight others.

Israeli Army attack – 1 wounded: Salfit – evening, Israeli forces opened fire on, and wounded, a passing motorcyclist near the Za'tara road junction checkpoint.

Home invasion and forced personal demolition: Jerusalem – the Israeli Occupation forced the al-Bakri family to destroy part of their home in Beit Hanina – or otherwise be forced to pay an extortionate sum to the Israeli Occupation demolition squads, who would be sent in to do it.

Home invasions and occupation: Jerusalem – 09:40, Israeli forces raided the village of Jalboun and searched a home.

Israeli police and settlers' mosque violation: Jerusalem – 08:00, settler militants, escorted by Israeli police, invaded the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound and molested worshippers.

Israeli Army – armed robbery: Tubas – 09:00, Israeli Occupation forces seized two motor vehicles from people in the North Jordan Valley al-Hadidiya area.

Israeli Army land-grab on behalf of settlement outpost: Bethlehem – 11:45, Israeli forces bulldozed land in the village of Kisan, in order to facilitate the enlargement of the nearby Ebi Hanahel Occupation settlement outpost.

Occupation settler violence – beatings and hospitalisations: Jerusalem – 12:00, armed Israeli settlers in the city severely beat up and hospitalised three residents of the al-Thawri neighbourhood.

Occupation settler vandalism – water crime: Bethlehem – Israelis, from the Ma'ale Amos Occupation settlement in the village of Kisan, destroyed a drinking-water network in an area south-east of the village.

Raids: Jenin – 16:50, Israeli Occupation forces raided and patrolled Zababdeh, Araba, Kafr Rai, as well as the villages of Zububa and Rumana.

Raids – rubber-coated bullets, stun grenades and tear gas canisters: Jenin – 17:05, Israeli forces, firing rubber-coated bullets, stun grenades and tear gas canisters, raided and patrolled al-Yamoun, Silat al-Harithiya, and Burqin, as well as the villages of al-Jalama and Muthalath al-Shuhada.

Raids – stun grenades and tear gas canisters: Qalqiliya – 15:20, raiding Israeli troops, firing stun grenades and tear gas canisters, invaded a vehicle repair shop in Qalqiliya.

Raids: Salfit – 17:15, the Israeli Army raided and patrolled the villages of Marda and Haris.

Raid – refugee camp: Bethlehem – 15:20, Israeli troops raided and patrolled the Aida refugee camp.

Raid: Hebron – 14:30, the Israeli military raided and patrolled Hebron.

Numbers relating to other people reportedly taken prisoner:

Jenin 1, Tulkarem 2, Hebron 1.

[NB: Times indicated in Bold Type contribute to the sleep deprivation suffered by Palestinian children]


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